Now playing: Leave out all the rest - Linkin Park
Everything going smoothly, it's my 3rd week in BSC!
We have lotsa fun so far... and thursday its Games Day!!
we're supposed to a set of clothes on that day...
i wonder what games did Human Link came up with...! (i bet it will involve water but i really hope my watch don't stop ticking cuz of that haha...)
Dam pete... i bought us a pair of watch... he said it was from 7-11
How appreciative of him ";....;"!
in 8 days it will be ... our 1 year anniversary ... kinda looking forward for it!
Tummy was chaotic today... thanks to the Premium Milk Tea i had this morning... jeees
I'm really bored now! yesterday was busy! today i didn't have many things to do... facebooking... PSPing... all day... haha...
I'm am still feeling a little timourous... gahhh! result gonna be released like next week...
omg... i wonder how i fair for my GSC, POFM... I really hope i can make it thru... i don't want to endure the another arduous process to study for exams again! pfffft!!!
Yesterday i started watching this chinese drama "Tang xin feng bao"...
that show made me so emo... grrrr... i even went to watch it on tudou...
i aint writing an episode synopsis... but well... a brief intro why the show made me so emo!!
There's this guy (quite good looking i would say) named Alfred... he cheated on his gf with his gf's friend... (haha sorry if i'm confusing you) well... it's like he was regret... when they decided to end their secret affair one night... the gf happened to drop by his house.. and unfortunately that "mistress" was there too... lol so... yeah... when the gf was opening the door, her friend locked from inside... made her soooooo emo... well screw that... after that... the guy felt bad about hurting his gf... (at least he got some conscience) his gf couldn't stop crying whenever she see him... so he kept a distance from her... writing journal everyday... and stalk her from far during lunch time... lol well... thats like what i've watched yesterday... lol... so lengthy..... dam
Imma finish the series tonight when i get home... like 8 more episodes :)
Man... imma stop blogging... my fingers are freezing cold...
anyway, yay! 50mins more of facebooking, psping before i can go home!!
tooooodlllllessssss peeeeepps!